Hands up if you want free stocks!

dimanche 29 septembre 2013

Hands up if you want free stocks!

As a famous singer once said, “the best things in life are free”, and that’s true for trying your hand at stock investment at eToro!
We’ve realized that many of our loyal traders who happened to open an eToro account before we launched our expanded stock selection, didn’t get to benefit from our $20 stock investment gift card and therefore didn’t get to experience stock trading risk free.
Well, that’s all about to change, as we’re opening up the free $20 stock investment gift card to all traders who haven’t gotten it before!
$20 gift card
We’re giving you $20 on the house, to invest in any of the nearly 100 stocks we have on offer, including your favorite brands, such as NIKE, McDonald’s, Coca Cola, Starbucks, Facebook,Microsoft and many more.
As you may know, you can invest in stocks at eToro with as little as $10, so you can invest in two brands of your choice, or simply put it all in for the one stock that you think will skyrocket over the next few weeks. You can learn more about stock trading at eToro here.
How do I claim my gift card?
Watch this short video for the precise instructions:

It’s as simple as that!
Enjoy your free stocks and make sure to tell us what you think about stock trading at eToro in the comments!
*Users who have claimed a $20 stock trading gift card in the past are not eligible for this promotion
** This promotion is subject to all terms and conditions

Browse Stocks By Sectors and Exchanges

Browse Stocks By Sectors and Exchanges

As you might have noticed, recently we introduced many new stocks to our product.
Well, we’re planning on introducing a lot more.
With so many stocks around, it might get a little difficult to find THE stock you want to invest in. But fear not!
To help you find your way around the variety of stocks on eToro, we’re happy to introduce the ability to discover and browse stocks by:
– Sector (Technology, Healthcare, Financial, …)

Exchange (NASDAQ, NYSE, …)

1. The stocks section now displays a variety of stock categories, as well as an enhanced navigation menu, allowing to browse stocks by sector or exchange:
2. Each sector or exchange now lists, on a dedicated page, all the relevant stocks at eToro:
3. Also, each stock page now shows “tags” of its sector and exchange, as well as other relevant markets from the same sector:
Stay tuned!
And speaking of better navigation and discoverability of markets – we will soon be introducing a whole new People & Markets Search Experience. Trust me it’s going to be worth the wait.
In the meantime, we would really appreciate your feedback about this update and about any other features that you think might make your investment experience even better!

5 Tips for the Trader on the Go

5 Tips for the Trader on the Go

No one can deny that mobile trading has been a real game changer for a huge percentage of traders and investors around the world.
At eToro alone, over 15% of trade orders every day are executed via mobile devices thanks to our comprehensive selection of iOS and Android based apps.
However, whenever switching from one technology to another, one has to ask one’s self: how is this technology different from the one I was using before, and what do I have to do to make sure that I am trading at maximum efficiency?
To help you answer that question, we’ve come up with 5 essential tips to help you make the switch to mobile trading in the smoothest possible way.
retro trader
Tip #1: Your battery is your best friend, show it some love
There is nothing worse than your smartphone or your tablet shutting down because of insufficient battery just as you’ve opened some high stakes positions and the markets are going into hyperdrive. The horror! The panic! The uncertainty! The regret of it all, especially as you could’ve avoided having a nervous breakdown simply by taking your charger along! If you’re someone who’s regularly trading on the go, leaving the house without a charger is just not an option. And when you’re out, take every opportunity that comes your way to charge your device. Plug it into your car lighter, leave it to charge on your desk at work, or ask the waiter at the cafe politely if he/she can sit you next to an electrical outlet. In fact, it’s a good idea to even have a spare charger at work, so you’re never left in the lurch.
Tip #2: When the markets are volatile, you better stay awake
Most mobile devices are by default set to turn off their screens automatically after a few seconds of inactivity, in order to conserve battery. But since we’re already applying Tip #1, and have a full battery at all times, there is no reason for us to miss out on any market action because our screen is constantly going dark. This is especially important in times of high volatility, such as an economic news announcement, when even a few seconds can be crucial to our outcome. Most devices will allow you to set the screen timeout period to as high as 10 minutes, and some enable you to set it to never timeout (some versions of the iPad for example). My own Samsung Galaxy S3 (Android) has this option in the “Developers Options”, which enables you to set it to “Stay Awake” while charging.
Tip #3: The gift of multitasking will take you a long way
If you have a recent Android device, you probably have a multi-window option on your phone, which can be a significant advantage for the trader on the go. As I’ve mentioned earlier, we offer multiple apps for both Android and iOS, so what better way to stay on top of everything than by running all your available apps at the same time in multiple windows? You can have youreToro Mobile Trader running alongside the Stock Watch app, as well as the eToro OpenBook mobile site giving you both social and market perspective at the same time. All you have to do is activate the multi-windows mode on your device. Unfortunately, this is where Android devices beat out Apple, as the iOS system doesn’t have a built-in multi-windows mode. However, there are apps in the iTunes store that will enable you to view multiple apps on your screen, you just have to do some research to find the best one.
Tip #4: Screen space is a valuable Commodity
Here’s a question even a two year old can answer without thinking: is it better to view price charts on a small screen, or a big screen? The more screen space you have, the more information you can view without straining your eyes. Charts in particular require quite a bit of screen space in order for you to get the full picture, especially if you’re viewing short term price movements. So obviously, if you have the choice of trading with a smartphone or a tablet, the tablet is the way to go. However, for the large portion of us that don’t have this choice there is still something to be done about screen space. Firstly, all of our apps are designed in the aim of maximizing screen space for every interface, so we’re already halfway there. Secondly, be aware of the position of your screen when you’re viewing each interface in order to use the best position for whatever it is you’re viewing. For example, price rates are best viewed vertically, as you can see more of them, however charts are much easier to read in horizontal mode, which also enables you to view the chart in full screen mode.
Tip #5: They’re free, so collect them all!
All of our apps are free to download from the iTunes and Google Play stores, so don’t get just the Mobile Trader, get all the apps you can! All of our apps have different functions and bring something extra to your trading experience, so why not get them all? Visit our Mobile Trading page to view all the eToro apps available for your mobile operating system.
If you found this article helpful, don’t hesitate to share it with your friends via the social button below, and if you have tips of your own, go ahead and post them in the comments!

What Is Forex Trading ? – A Definition & Introduction

What Is Forex Trading ? – A Definition & Introduction

Hey traders,
This free Forex mini-course is designed to teach you the basics of the Forex market and Forex trading in a non-boring way. I know you can find this information elsewhere on the web, but let’s face it; most of it is scattered and pretty dry to read. I will try to make this tutorial as fun as possible so that you can learn about Forex trading and have a good time doing it.
Upon completion of this course you will have a solid understanding of the Forex market and Forex trading, and you will then be ready to progress to learning real-world Forex trading strategies.
What is the Forex market?
• What is Forex? – The basics…
Basically, the Forex market is where banks, businesses, governments, investors and traders come to exchange and speculate on currencies. The Forex market is also referred to as the ‘Fx market’, ‘Currency market’, ‘Foreign exchange currency market’ or ‘Foreign currency market’, and it is the largest and most liquid market in the world with an average daily turnover of $3.98 trillion.
The Fx market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week with the most important world trading centers being located in London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Sydney.
It should be noted that there is no central marketplace for the Forex market; trading is instead said to be conducted ‘over the counter’; it’s not like stocks where there is a central marketplace with all orders processed like the NYSE. Forex is a product quoted by all the major banks, and not all banks will have the exact same price. Now, the broker platforms take all theses feeds from the different banks and the quotes we see from our broker are an approximate average of them. It’s the broker who is effectively transacting the trade and taking the other side of it…they ‘make the market’ for you. When you buy a currency pair…your broker is selling it to you, not ‘another trader’.
• A brief history of the Forex market
Ok, I admit, this part is going to be a little bit boring, but it’s important to have some basic background knowledge of the history of the Forex market so that you know a little bit about why it exists and how it got here. So here is the history of the Forex market in a nutshell:
In 1876, something called the gold exchange standard was implemented. Basically it said that all paper currency had to be backed by solid gold; the idea here was to stabilize world currencies by pegging them to the price of gold. It was a good idea in theory, but in reality it created boom-bust patterns which ultimately led to the demise of the gold standard.
The gold standard was dropped around the beginning of World War 2 as major European countries did not have enough gold to support all the currency they were printing to pay for large military projects. Although the gold standard was ultimately dropped, the precious metal never lost its spot as the ultimate form of monetary value.
The world then decided to have fixed exchange rates that resulted in the U.S. dollar being the primary reserve currency and that it would be the only currency backed by gold, this is known as the ‘Bretton Woods System’ and it happened in 1944 (I know you super excited to know that). In 1971 the U.S. declared that it would no longer exchange gold for U.S. dollars that were held in foreign reserves, this marked the end of the Bretton Woods System.
It was this break down of the Bretton Woods System that ultimately led to the mostly global acceptance of floating foreign exchange rates in 1976. This was effectively the “birth” of the current foreign currency exchange market, although it did not become widely electronically traded until about the mid 1990s.
(OK! Now let’s move on to some more entertaining topics!)…
What is Forex Trading?
Forex trading as it relates to retail traders (like you and I) is the speculation on the price of one currency against another. For example, if you think the euro is going to rise against the U.S. dollar, you can buy the EURUSD currency pair low and then (hopefully) sell it at a higher price to make a profit. Of course, if you buy the euro against the dollar (EURUSD), and the U.S. dollar strengthens, you will then be in a losing position. So, it’s important to be aware of the risk involved in trading Forex, and not only the reward.
• Why is the Forex market so popular?
Being a Forex trader offers the most amazing potential lifestyle of any profession in the world. It’s not easy to get there, but if you are determined and disciplined, you can make it happen. Here’s a quick list of skills you will need to reach your goals in the Forex market:
Ability - to take a loss without becoming emotional
Confidence - to believe in yourself and your trading strategy, and to have no fear
Discipline - to remain calm and unemotional in a realm of constant temptation (the market)
Flexibility - to trade changing market conditions successfully
Focus – to stay concentrated on your trading plan and to not stray off course
Logic – to look at the market from an objective and straight forward perspective
Organization – to forge and reinforce positive trading habits
Patience – to wait for only the highest-probability trading strategies according to your plan
Realism – to not think you are going to get rich quick and understand the reality of the market and trading
Savvy – to take advantage of your trading edge when it arises and be aware of what is happening in the market at all times
Self-control – to not over-trade and over-leverage your trading account
As traders, we can take advantage of the high leverage and volatility of the Forex market by learning and mastering and effective Forex trading strategy, building an effective trading plan around that strategy, and following it with ice-cold discipline. Money management is key here; leverage is a double-edged sword and can make you a lot of money fast or lose you a lot of money fast. The key to money management in Forex trading is to always know the exact dollar amount you have at risk before entering a trade and be TOTALLY OK with losing that amount of money, because any one trade could be a loser. More on money management later in the course.
• Who trades Forex and why?
Banks – The interbank market allows for both the majority of commercial Forex transactions and large amounts of speculative trading each day. Some large banks will trade billions of dollars, daily. Sometimesthis trading is done on behalf of customers, however much is done by proprietary traders who are trading for the bank’s own account.
Companies – Companies need to use the foreign exchange market to pay for goods and services from foreign countries and also to sell goods or services in foreign countries. An important part of the daily Forex market activity comes from companies looking to exchange currency in order to transact in other countries.
Governments / Central banks – A country’s central bank can play an important role in the foreign exchange markets. They can cause an increase or decrease in the value of their nation’s currency by trying to control money supply, inflation, and (or) interest rates. They can use their substantial foreign exchange reserves to try and stabilize the market.
Hedge funds - Somewhere around 70 to 90% of all foreign exchange transactions are speculative in nature. This means, the person or institutions that bought or sold the currency has no plan of actually taking delivery of the currency; instead, the transaction was executed with sole intention of speculating on the price movement of that particular currency. Retail speculators (you and I) are small cheese compared to the big hedge funds that control and speculate with billions of dollars of equity each day in the currency markets.
Individuals – If you have ever traveled to a different country and exchanged your money into a different currency at the airport or bank, you have already participated in the foreign currency exchange market.
Investors – Investment firms who manage large portfolios for their clients use the Fx market to facilitate transactions in foreign securities. For example, an investment manager controlling an international equity portfolio needs to use the Forex market to purchase and sell several currency pairs in order to pay for foreign securities they want to purchase.
Retail Forex traders – Finally, we come to retail Forex traders (you and I). The retail Forex trading industry is growing everyday with the advent of Forex trading platforms and their ease of accessibility on the internet. Retail Forex traders access the market indirectly either through a broker or a bank. There are two main types of retail Forex brokers that provide us with the ability to speculate on the currency market: brokers and dealers. Brokers work as an agent for the trader by trying to find the best price in the market and executing on behalf of the customer. For this, they charge a commission on top of the price obtained in the market. Dealers are also called market makers because they ‘make the market’ for the trader and act as the counter-party to their transactions, they quote a price they are willing to deal at and are compensated through the spread, which is the difference between the buy and sell price (more on this later).
Advantages of Trading the Forex Market:
• Forex is the largest market in the world, with daily volumes exceeding $3 trillion per day. This means dense liquidity which makes it easy to get in and out of positions.
• Trade whenever you want: There is no opening bell in the Forex market. You can enter or exit a trade whenever you want from Sunday around 5pm EST to Friday around 4pm EST.
• Ease of access: You can fund your trading account with as little as $250 at many retail brokers and begin trading the same day in some cases. Straight through order execution allows you to trade at the click of a mouse.
• Fewer currency pairs to focus on, instead of getting lost trying to analyze thousands of stocks
• Freedom to trade anywhere in the world with the only requirements being a laptop and internet connection.
• Commission-free trading with many retail market-makers and overall lower transaction costs than stocks and commodities.
• Volatility allows traders to profit in any market condition and provides for high-probability weekly trading opportunities. Also, there is no structural market bias like the long bias of the stock market, so traders have equal opportunity to profit in rising or falling markets.
While the forex market is clearly a great market to trade, I would note to all beginners that trading carries both the potential for reward and risk. Many people come into the markets thinking only about the reward and ignoring the risks involved, this is the fastest way to lose all of your trading account money. If you want to get started trading the Fx market on the right track, it’s critical that you are aware of and accept the fact that you could lose on any given trade you take.

Forex Trading Terminology

Forex Trading Terminology

Forex Trading Terminology
The Forex market comes with its very own set of terms and jargon. So, before you go any deeper into learning how to trade the Fx market, it’s important you understand some of the basic Forex terminology that you will encounter on your trading journey…
• Basic Forex terms:
Cross rate - The currency exchange rate between two currencies, both of which are not the official currencies of the country in which the exchange rate quote is given in. This phrase is also sometimes used to refer to currency quotes which do not involve the U.S. dollar, regardless of which country the quote is provided in.
For example, if an exchange rate between the British pound and the Japanese yen was quoted in an American newspaper, this would be considered a cross rate in this context, because neither the pound or the yen is the standard currency of the U.S. However, if the exchange rate between the pound and the U.S. dollar were quoted in that same newspaper, it would not be considered a cross rate because the quote involves the U.S. official currency.
Exchange Rate - The value of one currency expressed in terms of another. For example, if EUR/USD is 1.3200, 1 Euro is worth US$1.3200.
Pip – The smallest increment of price movement a currency can make. Also called point or points. For example, 1 pip for the EUR/USD = 0.0001 and 1 pip for the USD/JPY = 0.01.
Leverage - Leverage is the ability to gear your account into a position greater than your total account margin. For instance, if a trader has $1,000 of margin in his account and he opens a $100,000 position, he leverages his acc
ount by 100 times, or 100:1. If he opens a $200,000 position with $1,000 of margin in his account, his leverage is 200 times, or 200:1. Increasing your leverage magnifies both gains and losses.
To calculate the leverage used, divide the total value of your open positions by the total margin balance in your account. For example, if you have $10,000 of margin in your account and you open one standard lot of USD/JPY (100,000 units of the base currency) for $100,000, your leverage ratio is 10:1 ($100,000 / $10,000). If you open one standard lot of EUR/USD for $150,000 (100,000 x EURUSD 1.5000) your leverage ratio is 15:1 ($150,000 / $10,000).
Margin - The deposit required to open or maintain a position. Margin can be either “free” or “used”. Used margin is that amount which is being used to maintain an open position, whereas free margin is the amount available to open new positions. With a $1,000 margin balance in your account and a 1% margin requirement to open a position, you can buy or sell a position worth up to a notional $100,000. This allows a trader to leverage his account by up to 100 times or a leverage ratio of 100:1.
If a trader’s account falls below the minimum amount required to maintain an open position, he will receive a “margin call” requiring him to either add more money into his or her account or to close the open position. Most brokers will automatically close a trade when the margin balance falls below the amount required to keep it open. The amount required to maintain an open position is dependent on the broker and could be 50% of the original margin required to open the trade.
Spread - The difference between the sell quote and the buy quote or the bid and offer price. For example, if EUR/USD quotes read 1.3200/03, the spread is the difference between 1.3200 and 1.3203, or 3 pips. In order to break even on a trade, a position must move in the direction of the trade by an amount equal to the spread.
• The major Forex pairs and their nicknames:
• Understanding Forex currency pair quotes:
You will need to understand how to properly read a currency pair quote before you start trading them. So, let’s get started with this:
The exchange rate of two currencies is quoted in a pair, such as the EURUSD or the USDJPY. The reason for this is because in any foreign exchange transaction you are simultaneously buying one currency and selling another. If you were to buy the EURUSD and the euro strengthened against the dollar, you would then be in a profitable trade. Here’s an example of a Forex quote for the euro vs. the U.S. dollar:
The first currency in the pair that is located to the left of the slash mark is called the base currency, and the second currency of the pair that’s located to the right of the slash market is called the counter or quote currency.
If you buy the EUR/USD (or any other currency pair), the exchange rate tells you how much you need to pay in terms of the quote currency to buy one unit of the base currency. In other words, in the example above, you have to pay 1.32105 U.S. dollars to buy 1 euro.
If you sell the EUR/USD (or any other currency pair), the exchange rate tells you how much of the quote currency you receive for selling one unit of the base currency. In other words, in the example above, you will receive 1.32105 U.S. dollars if you sell 1 euro.
An easy way to think about it is like this: the BASE currency is the BASIS for the trade. So, if you buy the EURUSD you are buying euro’s (base currency) and selling dollars (quote currency), if you sell the EURUSD you are selling euro’s (base currency) and buying dollars (quote currency). So, whether you buy or sell a currency pair, it is always based upon the first currency in the pair; the base currency.
The basic point of Forex trading is to buy a currency pair if you think its base currency will appreciate (increase in value) relative to the quote currency. If you think the base currency will depreciate (lose value) relative to the quote currency you would sell the pair.
• Bid and Ask price
Bid Price – The bid is the price at which the market (or your broker) will buy a specific currency pair from you. Thus, at the bid price, a trader can sell the base currency to their broker.
Ask Price – The ask price is the price at which the market (or your broker) will sell a specific currency pair to you. Thus, at the ask price you can buy the base currency from your broker.
Bid/Ask Spread – The spread of a currency pair varies between brokers and it is the difference between the bid and ask the price.

20 Ways To Improve Your Forex Trading

20 Ways To Improve Your Forex Trading

In today’s lesson, I am going to outline 20 things that I personally do in my own trading and that you can start doing to improve yours. Please read today’s article closely because I spent a long time writing it for you and it’s full of solid tips and insight that can make a big difference in your trading. As always, please leave a comment after reading today’s lesson and let me know what you thought about it or if you learned anything new. Now, let’s get to it:

 1) Have real goals and understand what you’re committing to

Having reasonable short-term goals that you can realistically achieve within a short period of time is how you achieve longer-term goals. Unfortunately, most traders become fixated on the long-term goal of “becoming a professional trader” as soon as they start trading with real money. The main problem with this is that just having a big long-term goal with no realistic plan to achieve it, is essentially worthless.
As a trader, a “reasonable short-term goal” might be that you stick to your trading plan for one month. Then, if you achieve that short-term goal you can give yourself a reward at month’s end, whatever you decide that might be. Just be sure you define short-term trading goals that you can realistically achieve, if you want to achieve your big long-term goal of becoming a very successful Forex trader. If you are seriously going to commit to become a full-time trader, you’re going to have devise a plan to get you to that point, just wanting to be a full-time trader is not a plan or strategy to make it happen.

2) Simplify your trading approach & your thoughts

One of the easiest ways to improve your trading that will also work to improve your overall mindset both when you’re trading and when you’re not is to simplify your trading approach. My key philosophy of trading is to ‘keep it simple stupid. After years of trial and error in my early trading days, I finally realized that I was just making the entire process of analyzing and trading the markets FAR more complicated than it needed to be. When you use a simple trading method like price action, it eliminates most of the confusion, doubt, and frustration that traders experience as a result of being unsure of how to trade their system or strategy. Trading is not technically difficult, it’s emotionally and psychologically difficult; therefore it just doesn’t make sense to use a confusing or complicated trading strategy or system which will make both the technical and psychological aspects of trading more difficult than they need to be or are.

 3) Develop your skills and plan before you trade

I am always amazed at how many emails I get from traders who basically tell me they are new to Forex trading and they want to open a live account. For some reason, people seem to think they need very little experience or preparation to make money in the markets. In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Trading a real account is not something you just dive into with no plan or experience behind you.
I personally recommend that all traders have mastered an effective trading method like price action trading, developed a solid trading plan from that trading method, have a trading journal, and trade their plan on a demo account whilst recording their trades in their trading journal for at least 2 or 3 months before even thinking about trading a live account. The markets will chew up and spit out your hard-earned money faster than you can imagine (and you know that already if you’ve been trading for a while), so the more prepared and experienced you are before you start trading live, the better off you’ll be in the long-run.

 4) Don’t fall off the wagon

It seems to be in our nature to get really excited and motivated about things only to see those positive feelings fizzle at the first signs of adversity or obstacle. How often have you or someone you know made a New Year’s resolution to get into shape and start eating better, only to find yourself back in the same old negative habits by the middle of February?
You’re not alone here; it’s human nature to be this way. However, we are equipped with very powerful brains that give us the power to overcome our human nature and evolution to the point where we can rise up above our peers and create positive habits rather than the negative ones that dominant many people’s lives. I can promise you that trading does not reward lazy people or people who cannot manifest the motivation to stay disciplined and follow a plan for a long period of time. It’s not difficult to get motivated about trading and create a good forex trading plan, what is difficult is digging deep within yourself and sticking to that plan and following your edge with ice cold discipline week in and week out.
Most traders fall of the wagon; they end up trading when there’s no trade, forgetting about their trading plan and gambling their money away in the markets. Don’t be one of the sheep; be the leader, be different, do the things you know you should do even when you don’t want to, persist and be disciplined even in the face of constant temptation, these are the things you must do to be a profitable trader.

5) Stop trading if you’re frustrated or confused

If you’re frustrated with your trading results or confused about your trading strategy, it’s best to simply take some time off from trading. This simple exercise can work wonders on your mindset and will restore passion and motivation into your trading routine. Clearing the markets from your mind for a while is sometimes the best thing you can do to improve your trading. Especially, if you just suffered through a series of emotion-fueled losing trades, you need to take some time off from real money trading to regroup and collect yourself.
Even if you are just feeling a little frazzled one day in the midst of a successful run in the markets, it’s still better to just stop for the day and come back the next day after a good night’s rest. It’s very easy to get caught up over-analyzing and falling victim to the temptations of the market, without even noticing. If you find you’ve been at your computer for an hour or two just analyzing the markets and trying to find a trade, you’re probably better off removing yourself from the markets for a while. Finding your trading edge in the market should be a relatively quick and easy task after you have mastered trading your edge. It should be readily apparent if your edge is present in the markets after just 15 or 20 minutes of browsing. So, when in doubt, walk away from the markets until the next day or however long you need to calm down.

6) Trade less than you are now, much less

I talk a lot about over-trading, and for good reason, but I won’t get into it too much in today’s lesson, except to say that most traders trade way too much. I get a lot of emails from traders asking me things like “How many trades can I expect per week”, etc; when in reality it really doesn’t matter. Traders should be far more focused on quality of trades rather than quantity of trades, as you can make a good return each month with only 1 or 2 big winners.
It’s OK if you don’t trade for a week, you need to understand that. Many traders feel like they need to be in a trade all the time or they are “missing out” on an opportunity. Well, the truth is that just because the market is sitting there and easy to access, it doesn’t mean it’s an opportunity to make money. In fact, you should think about the market as a way to both lose and make money, this will help you to avoid jumping in the markets when your edge isn’t present. There’s only an opportunity when your trading edge is present, if you trade when your edge is not present you are simply gambling. It’s a proven fact that high frequency trading is less profitable over the long-run than lower frequency trading. Traders who take a swing-trading approach where they are holding positions for 3 or 4 days or a week on average, tend to keep themselves in business as traders, whereas day traders keep the brokers in business with all the spreads and commissions they generate for them. Unfortunately, day traders and short-term scalpers often up putting themselves out of the trading business simply because they are gambling, not trading.

7) Stop thinking so much and so hard, it’s bad for you

Whereas thinking and brainstorming are generally good things in almost every other profession in the world, in trading they can actually be counter-productive. The reason being is that often it’s best to just not do anything in the markets. Whether that means not entering a trade you know isn’t quite meeting your trading plan guidelines, or not interfering with a live trade, traders do a lot of damage to their trading accounts by thinking too much about what they should do next.
Don’t get me wrong here, I’m not telling you that you don’t have to think at all to be a good trader. What I’m saying is that most traders think more than they need to, there’s a big difference. Obviously, you need to think to become a successful trader. But, once you determine exactly what your trading edge is and you know how best to trade it, there isn’t a whole lot more to think about. After you know how to trade your edge, it really just comes down to scanning the markets quickly each day to see if your edge is there and then either trading your edge or walking away. This type of approach is best implemented as an end of day trading strategy; however you can also use it on the intra-day charts.
Also, don’t over-think your trades once they are live. The “default” trade management strategy that I use is to “set and forget” my trades, then I will check in on them periodically and if there’s any obvious price action showing me that the market bias is changing against my position, I might manually close out my trade. But, I never manually close a trade simply out of emotion or because I thought about it for too long and convinced myself of something that the markets weren’t actually reflecting, this is what many traders do.

8) Accept that you don’t need indicators

I like to think of my website as one of the few true trading websites that focuses on price action and on real trading strategies, rather than the thousands of trading sites out there talking about indicators. If you’ve been following me for a while now you know that I focus primarily on trading off pure price action, with a couple of moving averages sprinkled in sometimes. However, if you want to know exactly why I think trading with indicators is a bad idea, checkout this article on forex indicators. Indicators are for those “lost sheep” traders still searching for some Holy-Grail trading system that simply doesn’t exist. The sooner you wake up to this reality the sooner you can get on the track to learning real Forex trading strategies.

9) Use your brain wisely

You’re not a caveman, it’s 2012, there is no excuse in today’s world not to read, not to be educated and not to make a real effort, LAZY won’t work. Too many traders want to buy a trading system or attend a trading seminar and magically start printing Benjamins from their computers. Unfortunately, this is not how it works. Trading takes time and effort to learn, and you have to use the large mushy area between your ears to become good at it. Many traders never invest in an effective trading education or take the time to learn and really develop their trading skills; instead they just jump in the markets with little to no formal trading and start throwing around their hard-earned money. There’s so much information at your fingertips these days, there’s no reason not to put in the time to learn how to trade effectively.

10) Ditch the fundamentals and news

I know that a lot of you guys spend hours reading economic news, reading forums over on forex factory, or whatever else. The truth is, you are wasting your time. You really are; you need to just accept the simple fact that all fundamentals and forex newsvariables are reflected via the pure price action on your charts. I’m not going to say too much about this topic in today’s lesson because I have discussed it in other lessons quite a bit, and there’s really no better way to sum it up except to say that every single piece of economic news and all things that affect a market are visible and reflected in that market’s price action. So, if you learn to read the price action you also learn to read the fundamentals.

11) Trust your gut, not another’s

When it comes to trading, trusting your gut is something you’re going to have to learn to do. Unfortunately, there’s no mechanical trading system out there that will stay effective over changing market conditions. Despite what you read on some trading websites, you need to use your brain, your eyes, and your gut instinct when trading the markets. Your intuition and gut trading feel are things that can be harnessed and improved upon if you develop them by learning a strategy like price action.
Turn off the TV, stop reading the business section in newspapers, and don’t listen to the opinions of others, instead learn to listen to yourself. A good gut trading feel will only come from experience and confidence, so you first need to really master a trading strategy like price action and then practice trading with it on demo. Once you do this for a while you will begin to develop your gut trading instinct and to get a feel for a price action strategy worth trading versus one that’s not, etc. Ultimately, you are the one pulling the trigger on your trades, so you need to trust yourself and not confusing yourself by listening to other people and taking in too many outside opinions. All you really need is a sound knowledge of price action trading, your brain, and the charts.

 12) Keep your day job, and work hard at it

Don’t set out to be a professional trader from day 1, instead, your first goal should be to gain experience and knowledge and become a good trader, then once you’re making consistent money in the markets you could quit your job if you want to. Most traders go about this with the wrong mindset, they think they are going to quit their job after a month of trading and they might even start slacking off at work as a result. This is the wrong attitude to have and the wrong thing to do; you really need to already be financially sound and relatively happy with your life before you start trading with real money. Many traders look to the markets as a way to solve all their problems, when in reality the markets are not there for this. They are for mentally sound people to potentially profit from, so if you are trading the markets just because you hate your job or you “want to be a millionaire”, you probably have the wrong forex trading mindset already.

 13) Be organized and clean (hygienically too)

I am a very organized and clean person, and I firmly believe this has contributed to my success at such a young age. Without trying to sound arrogant or cocky, many people simply don’t have the motivation to maintain an organized and clean lifestyle, and I think it’s very hard to be a consistently profitable trader if you live this way. Everything from having the files and content organized on your computer to having a clean and organized place to trade is important to your overall trading mindset. One of the reasons why many people fail at trading is because they aren’t organized and disciplined, trading seems easy on the surface, but if you aren’t exited about developing positive habits and about being patient and disciplined, you’re probably not going to make it as a trader.

 14) Don’t be stupid

A lot of traders simply act like fools in the markets. They shuffle around their charts like lost souls desperately in need of a trading signal, panicking if they don’t find one and ultimately entering the market anyways. Biting off more risk than you can chew and generally behaving like gambler in the markets is not the way to make money, in fact it’s simply stupid, to put it frankly. You need to think like a businessman or woman and act accordingly, that means managing risk and having a plan.

 15) Learn to love patience

For many people, patience brings up images of boredom and things they would rather not do. However, in trading, you need patience more so than in most other professions. You need to have patience to sit on your hands when your trading edge is not present, and you need to have patience to see your trading edge play out over a large series of trades, rather than getting emotional after hitting a few losers. Indeed, if there is one “key” ingredient to success as a trader, it would definitely be patience.
Trading seems to naturally tempt peoples’ ability to be patient, and the more you can maintain your patience by waiting for valid instances of your trading edge, the better you will do. As humans, we have not been wired by evolution to be patient in most situations; when we are hungry we need to eat now, etc. So, as traders, we need to override these “caveman” urges which cause us to over-trade and risk too much, by planning ahead and not becoming emotional as we trade.

 16) Don’t expect to win every trade

I’m going to let you guys in on a little secret that all pro traders know; you don’t have to be right to make money trading. In fact, you can actually be wrong on THE MAJORITY OF YOUR TRADES and STILL make money. Yes, that’s right. If you want to see how, click the article I just linked to.
The point is this, you can’t freak out every time you lose a trade, EVEN IF you think it was a “perfect” trade setup. I get a lot of emails from traders sending me charts of setups they took that they said are “perfect” and that they just “don’t understand why the trade lost because it was so perfect”. Well, the cold hard truth is that it really doesn’t matter why the trade didn’t work! Also, why do you care so much? Have you risked too much on that one losing trade? Do you expect to win every trade? If you do expect to win every trade you are in for a lot of struggle and strife as a trader. The sooner you accept losing as part of being a trader and devise a realistic plan to deal with it, the sooner you can get on to making money in the markets.

 17) Enjoy Losing – Each loss brings you closer to a large win

Similar to the point above, you have to actually learn to enjoy losing. I know that sounds strange, you’re probably thinking “How can anyone enjoy losing?” Well, if you are really passionate about being a trader, and you’ve already accepted that losing is part of being a trader, then at the very worst you should not make a big deal out of a losing trade. You have to learn to embrace your losers and think of them as just one trade closer to a winner. I always tell my students to “stop trying to avoid losses”, as losing is a big part of winning a trader, and the more you try to avoid losing trades, the more of them you are probably going to have. Think of losing trades as a coworker you really don’t like but that you have to work with everyday. If you take a bad attitude with this coworker and try to avoid them, it’s probably going to hurt your chances of a promotion and thus make you less money in the long run.

 18) Be consistent

You just had 4 losing trades, what do you do, remain calm and collected, following your trading plan as usual? Or, do you freak out and jump back into the market to try and make back the money you just lost? If you lose your confidence and stop trading your proven trading strategy, you are probably going to miss out on the next trade that would have been a big winner. Trading is the ultimate test of being able to brush off and ignore obstacles that are in your way now for a longer-term reward. If you crumble at the first sign of adversity or hardship, you are probably going to become very emotional after a losing trade or two and start making stupid trading decisions.

 19) Read, study, and improve…Always

Great investors, traders and business people, read, study and educate themselves on an ongoing basis. You need to invest in yourself because it’s the most important investment you will ever make, and it will lead to direct growth in your knowledge and skill as a trader or personal fund manager.
I am always amazed at how many traders think they don’t need to educate themselves about the markets or on a proven trading strategy. Many of them tend to think they can just dive in head-first to real money trading, with no formal trading or education, and that somehow they are on the right track. Well, that’s not the case, trading takes time, effort, and education, like anything else. The trick is to make sure you learn an effective trading strategy like price action and that you learn how to trade from a genuine and honest source.

 20) Daily Trading Affirmations

A secret formula of many successful people has been to verbally reinforce the most important goals in their life. For a trader, having a wall poster or post it notes with important goals and phrases will help. We did a great lesson on this some time ago and it’s worth a read for any of you looking to take your trading to the next level…this stuff really does work and anybody can practice it…you can check out my trading affirmations lesson here.
It’s important to read through these affirmations everyday before you trade, I would even incorporate this into your trading plan. Doing so, will get your daily trading routine started off on a positive note.
Finally, I just want to say that I hope all of you have learned something from today’s lesson, and that if you really read through all 20 of the points above, and fully absorb them, you will gain some solid insight and knowledge that will help you improve your trading. If you’d like to learn more from me about how I trade with price action and my general trading theory and trading strategies, checkout my Forex trading course and members’ community, and feel free to email me with any questions you have.

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